Mental Health Awareness Week

A very good day to you all!

This week, as many of you are aware, is Mental Health Awareness Week.

Now, we're not psychologists or mental health therapists, and by that, we feel like we're not really in any position to be lecturing you all about mental health, but as we are a couple of parent's who have to keep our mental health ship shape every day, and constantly be on guard over those dark, consuming thoughts that creep in from time to time and grow quicker than bamboo in horse shit, we thought we'd give our ten pence worth, and maybe, just maybe it might reach somebody who really needs to hear what we have to say about this horrible condition/illness/injury.

As we mentioned above, there are aspects of people's lives that can get them down and keep them down, some more than others, but some nonetheless. We know, because we've been there after all!

Our experience exists around our daughter Alice, who was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy at 3 years of age. The mental trauma a parent experiences when being told their child maybe not see out normal life expectancy, or will be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of their life can be significant. The immediate few days after the diagnosis is spent in utter devastation, followed by an acceptance period where you begin to pretend to be over it or able to manage. That time where you say, through a false smile "Yes, I'm fine".

The bottling up or swallowing down of this sorrow and sadness compounds it. The next thing you know, you're lying to family and friends about how you feel and telling everyone what they want to hear, in order not to complicate things or bring people down. You start to literally live a lie, and these lies begin to occupy and pollute your own mind, creeping into to the false culture you've created to keep others happy, reminding you that everything is not in fact ok, while you perform on life's stage.

The fact of the matter is, if you're not over it, you're not over it, and there is nothing wrong with that. Don't pretend to accept your situation if you haven't really done so, because this will lead you down a very, very dark path, and it can be one you may not be able to walk away from.

The key is reaching out, like a person drowning in a lake, scream for help if you have to and a passer by will throw you life line, and sometimes it comes in very strange and liberating forms from complete strangers. The key is TALKING! 

We experience it from time to time, everything appears to be fine, then bang, it's in there, telling us that everything isn't fine and that little Alice won't be alright, and that's it's our fault, and that things would be different if this and if that. Then we talk, we reach out and we re-confirm, we even have our little emotional releases and cry ourselves to sleep still, but we feel better afterwards.

CandleCalm is based on aromatherapy, and this is the reason we refuse to use synthetic perfumes and fragrances to scent our products, as they don't carry benefit.

We decided to blend into our candles and wax melts, 2 of the world's most awesome essential oils that have been proven to help ease stress and anxiety, and we use these daily at home to help ourselves with reigning in the grey matter when it starts to act against us.


Cedarwood essential oil has been found to have stress-relieving properties, especially those who experience high-stress at work or at school. Inhaling Cedarwood at work was proved in one study to improve performance and promote focus. A study conducted on rats, that has yet to enter into human trials confirmed that Cedarwood may be useful in treating symptoms of depression. There are several types of Cedarwood oils, all of which have been found to carry these properties.


Lavender essential oil is one of the most commonly used in aromatherapy and has many benefits. Lavender has a soft, pleasant smell that creates a sense of calm. A study conducted in the dental industry found that patients waiting anxiously for procedures felt more at ease when Lavender was being diffused in the room. Women in labour are often encouraged to use Lavender essential oil by Doulas and Midwives to help ease nervousness and anxiety. Additionally, one study found that diffusing Lavender oil after giving birth helps ease symptoms of depression associated with hormonal fluctuations. Lavender is also commonly used to induce sleep and can act as a sedative. One study found that participants who added Lavender to a healthy bedtime routine reported better sleep quality and more energy during the day.

We use all the weapons available to keep our minds in shape, and we encourage you all to do the same, the most important weapon you can use keep from straying off the path, is to TALK!

If you're having a hard time, please reach out to somebody, there are so many people stood by, waiting to help.

Please don't suffer in silence!

Samaritans UK - Call 116 123

Much love CandleCalmers!!

Have a great remainder of the week.

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